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Welcome to Semi detached in Mississauga


Semi detached homes or semi’s are two homes linked by a common wall semis are another great option for first time homebuyers who are looking for little bit more for their money. Semi Detached houses are little bit more big than townhouses and you will get a better value than a conventional detached house.  
The great thing about semi detached house is that if you get along with your neighbors you will never hear them, this would be just like living is a detached home but on the flip side if you and your neighbors don’t get along very well then you may be up all night hearing music or addressing questions of Police.  
When it comes to parking some semis have much parking space as of detached homes but in some instances you have to be very cautious of not parking on neighbor’s side. When it comes to backyards you get better privateness and space then townhouses. You only have one neighbor linked directly to you and on the plus side you always got to know when they are throwing great barbeque. 
Some Semi’s are only attached to the garage and a upside room, this is great as you are not going to hear any loud music and other bothering noises of your neighbors, these houses are far more desirable. Another benefit of semi detached over townhouses is that you have much more styles to choose from.  
In Mississauga we have some Semi Detached homes with attached basements these are called linked semi detached home. This should not be mixed up with linked homes which appear detached but linked below ground. 
Semi detached or semis are getting more popular in Mississauga due to escalating home prices as most of the individuals are no longer afford a detached home. The average price of semi detached home in September 2012 is around $ 450,000 and Detached is around $ 650,000. If we see the price gap then buying a reasonable size semi detached makes sense for first home buyers or small families.

To know the current prices of Semi Detached home in Mississauga please click here . You can also contact me through Google+ and Facebook .

If you want to search for Semi Detached Home on Mississauga MLS then Click here.


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Semi detached in Mississauga Mississauga